You know I was teasing my man the other day saying something like " you know I bet when you where a boy you had an image that you would grow up to be Bo or Luke Duke but the reality is your just a "Boss Hogg"!
Whoops I should have thought about that one first he said " yep, so that makes you my wife LULU", I had forgotten about ol' LULU.
The truth is I sure feel like a LULU lately and of course it always gets me to thinking about the New year, a fresh start, a decision. I came to the conclusion that even if I made a effort just 5 lbs a month ( think small, baby steps) at the end of 2009 I could be exactly where I want to be. A "Daisy Duke"!! That is only a pound a week, I CAN DO IT!!!!
Happy New Year, Let's make it Count!